Gary L. Montrezza, M.A., Chief Executive Officer

Gary Montrezza

As Chief Executive Officer, Gary brings to Pathway Society 21 years of senior leadership experience innovating programs to meet a multitude of social challenges. His passion and deep personal mission to build restorative treatment programs that inspires and enriches all who participate in them is matched only by his commitment to quality.

As the former Chief Operations Officer for Hospice of the Valley, and as past Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Santa Clara County, Gary brings a wealth of experience and success in creating and implementing programs that build resilient communities. In 2001, Gary received a scholarship and attended Harvard Business School’s Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management. At Harvard, Gary worked with top NPO executives from around the world. He has consulted and collaborated with a myriad of human and youth service providers. The County of Santa Clara’s Child Abuse Council and the Redwood City School District’s Healthy Start Network have also sought his leadership in evaluating and designing integrated programs.

Prior to his tenure at BBBS, Gary created the first curriculum-integrated school-mentoring program for at-risk youth in San Jose. He also founded, created, and directed a three-school Healthy Start Network, which encompassed a variety of services including clinical counseling, drug and alcohol, and gang intervention programs. The center has grown and is now the Silicon Valley Education Foundation.

He is a graduate of the City of Santa Clara’s Leadership 2000 Program; past Chairman of the BBBS State Association; a former appointee of First Lady Sharon Davis to the Governor’s Mentoring Partnership Steering Committee, and was an early and long-standing member of the San Jose Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force.

Gary continues to be in demand for his thoughts on resilient leadership, improvisation, and collaboration. Presenting recently in Washington, D.C. at the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) leadership conference, his presentation, “How Improvisation Builds Exceptional Leadership,” taught executives how to lead in uncertain times. He has also participated in the University of California’s virtual conference series and conducted workshops on board leadership for the Center for Excellence in Nonprofits. His work with the L.A County Office of Education has helped educators build viable corporate/community partnerships.

Born and raised in San Jose, Gary attended San Jose State University and holds both Bachelor and Master Degrees. Gary is an accomplished and active professional musician, cyclist, and cross-country skier.