
Soul Agreements before Birth
By: James Fitch
Nov 14, 2021

Soul Agreements Before Birth: Understanding Your Purpose on Earth

Have you ever wondered why you are here on this Earth? Have you ever felt like you are meant for something more, but you just can`t seem to figure out what it is? The answer may lie in your soul agreements before birth.

Soul agreements refer to the agreements that our souls make before we are born. These agreements are made with other souls and are based on the lessons and experiences that we need to have in order to evolve and grow. They can also include the people and relationships that we will encounter during our lifetime.

Understanding your soul agreements can provide you with a sense of purpose and direction. It can also help explain why certain people and situations appear in your life. For example, you may have a soul agreement with a family member or friend to help each other heal or grow in some way. Or you may have an agreement with a romantic partner to learn important lessons about love and relationships.

It`s important to note that soul agreements are not set in stone. They are fluid and can change based on our choices and actions. We have free will to make decisions that can alter our path and the lessons we need to learn. However, the Universe may send us signs and messages to help guide us towards fulfilling our soul agreements.

To discover your soul agreements, you can start by reflecting on your life experiences and the people who have been significant in your life. You may also want to learn more about astrology and numerology, as these can provide insight into your soul`s purpose and journey.

By understanding your soul agreements before birth, you can gain a deeper understanding of your purpose on Earth and the lessons you need to learn. This can help you make more conscious choices and live a more fulfilling life. Trust in the journey and know that everything happens for a reason.