
Uh Consortium Agreement
By: James Fitch
Dec 17, 2021

When universities collaborate on projects, it is common for them to enter into consortium agreements. These agreements set out the terms and conditions of the collaboration, including issues such as intellectual property rights, joint ownership of research results, and confidentiality.

The University of Hawaii (UH) is no exception to this. UH is a public university system that operates three universities and seven community colleges throughout the state of Hawaii. It has a long history of collaboration with other universities and organizations, both within Hawaii and beyond.

If you are considering entering into a consortium agreement with UH, there are a few things you should know. Here are some of the key provisions typically included in a UH consortium agreement.

Scope of the Collaboration

The first section of the agreement will define the scope of the collaboration. This may include the specific research, development, or educational project that the parties will be working on together. It will also outline the goals and objectives of the collaboration and the expected outcomes.

Roles and Responsibilities

The agreement will also set out the roles and responsibilities of each party. This will include the specific tasks and duties that each party will be responsible for, as well as any reporting or performance evaluation requirements.

Intellectual Property

One of the most important aspects of any consortium agreement is the allocation of intellectual property (IP) rights. This section will specify who owns the IP that is created as a result of the collaboration, and how it can be used and licensed. It may also address issues such as patent filings and copyrights.

Data Sharing and Confidentiality

The agreement will address how data and information will be shared between the parties, as well as any confidentiality obligations. This may include how data will be collected and managed, who will have access to it, and how it will be protected.

Funding and Budget

Finally, the agreement will address the funding and budget for the collaboration. This will include the specific contributions and obligations of each party, as well as any reporting requirements. It will also cover how funds will be managed and disbursed.

In conclusion, a UH consortium agreement is an essential tool for establishing a collaborative project between UH and other organizations. It helps to ensure that everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities, and that issues such as IP, data sharing, and funding are managed effectively. If you are considering entering into a consortium agreement with UH, it is important to seek the advice of a qualified attorney or other professional who is experienced in this area.