
Subject Verb Agreement Mcq with Explanation
By: James Fitch
Nov 16, 2022

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence are correctly paired. When constructing a sentence, it is important to ensure that the number (singular or plural) of the subject matches the verb. The following article will provide a set of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on subject-verb agreement along with explanations.

Question 1: Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The dog barks at the cat.

b) The dogs bark at the cats.

Explanation: The correct answer is b) The dogs bark at the cats as both the subject (dogs) and the verb (bark) are plural.

Question 2: Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The book on the table is interesting.

b) The books on the table are interesting.

Explanation: The correct answer is a) The book on the table is interesting as both the subject (book) and the verb (is) are singular.

Question 3: Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

a) The crowd is cheering for their team.

b) The crowd are cheering for their team.

Explanation: The correct answer is a) The crowd is cheering for their team as “crowd” is considered a singular noun, and the verb “is” is also singular.

Question 4: Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Neither the teacher nor the students are satisfied with the result.

b) Neither the teacher nor the students is satisfied with the result.

Explanation: The correct answer is b) Neither the teacher nor the students is satisfied with the result, as the subject verb agreement follows the rule that when two subjects are separated by “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.

Question 5: Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Ten dollars is a lot of money.

b) Ten dollars are a lot of money.

Explanation: The correct answer is a) Ten dollars is a lot of money, as “dollars” is a unit of measurement, and the verb agrees with the singular “ten.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a vital grammar rule that ensures correct pairing of the subject and verb in a sentence. While constructing sentences, it is important to keep in mind the number (singular or plural) of the subject and make sure it matches the verb. MCQs on subject-verb agreement can be an effective way to improve your understanding and application of this grammar rule.