Our Services

Residential Programs + Withdrawal Management Programs
Our residential live-in program provides clients addicted to drugs and alcohol a chance to rehabilitate their lives and embrace the principles of independent, responsible, and productive living, free of the need for drugs.

Transitional Programs
Transitional housing is provided for clients who have completed treatment at the residential treatment facility or who have completed a primary treatment phase at another program for chemical dependency.
What’s My First Step?
The first step in recovery is wanting to make a change and we’re here to help.
Pathway Society’s compassionate, human approach to treatment makes for a successful road to recovery from addiction. We welcome and serve people from all walks of life, regardless of ability to pay. By tailoring a program that best fits your individual needs, we are able to provide effective treatment.
The goal of Pathway Society is to promote family, individual, and community wellness. Pathway Society will work closely with physicians, counselors, therapists, and other health professionals to ensure you receive the best care for your individual needs.
We welcome and serve people from all walks of life, regardless of your ability to pay.
If you will be paying for your treatment directly, contact us at (408) 244-1834 to begin your recovery process.
If you are not able to pay out-of-pocket, you can still get the help you need! Pathway Society is committed to providing quality care to people from diverse backgrounds and financial situations. We work in partnership with The Santa Clara Valley Department of Alcohol and Drug Services to provide assistance for those who do not have insurance. Start here and follow the instructions below so that you may receive services from Pathway Society:
Call Gateway of Santa Clara County’s Department of Alcohol and Drugs (DADS) at: 1-800-488-9919
You will be asked a series of questions and personal information such as:
* Are you actively using drugs?
* Do you need detoxification services?
If you are approved for services, you will be asked to call daily until you are placed in treatment. You can request that you be placed at Pathway Society. However, the final placement is determined by DADS.
For more information on Santa Clara County’s Adult System of Care, please follow the link below:
Where Do I Start?
Some people are able to use alcohol or recreational/prescription drugs without becoming addicted. For many others, though, substance use can be seen as a way to escape the problems in their lives and, unfortunately, bears much more serious consequences. The use of alcohol or drugs to cope with life’s problems only exacerbates existing problems and likely causes new problems, resulting in feelings of isolation, helplessness or shame.
If you’re worried about your own, or a friend or family member’s, drug or alcohol use, it’s important to know that help is available. Learning about the nature of alcohol and drug abuse and addiction—why and how it develops, what it looks like, and why it can have such a powerful hold—will give you a better understanding of the problem, whether there is one, and how to best deal with it.
Pathway Society is here to help you get the answers and support you need.