How To Support Someone In Treatment and Post Treatment
Supporting Your Loved One’s Recovery: Guidance for Families and Friends
Pathway Society knows that family and friends are important allies on the road to an addict’s recovery. Being a part of an addict’s life is a task most of us are not equipped to deal with. These are some important things to remember before and after your loved one has gone through rehabilitation.
We encourage: practicing sympathy, encouragement and understanding, setting limits for the safety of yourself and those around you, informing yourself of the facts about addiction, and remembering that addiction is a disease that can be managed, but not cured.
It is important that friends and family: promote responsible and healthy behavior, don’t lie or make threats, cover up or make excuses for an addict, or place blame and guilt upon themselves for the actions of an addict.
The NCADD found that substance abuse is the nation’s #1 healthcare problem, and reported roughly 23.5 million Americans have a drug or alcohol addiction. Directly or indirectly, addiction affects all of us; it is important to understand that you are not alone. Let Pathway society be the help your loved one needs to get back to the life they deserve.
To get you started, here are some important suggestions from
- Learn All You Can About Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Utilize the resources we have provided.
- Speak Up and Offer Your Support Talk to the person about your concerns, and offer your help and support, including your willingness to go with them and get help. Like other chronic diseases, the earlier addiction is treated, the better.
- Express Love and ConcernDon’t wait for your loved one to “hit bottom”. You may be met with excuses, denial or anger, but be prepared to respond with specific examples of behaviors that have you worried.
- Don’t Expect the Person to Stop Without Help You have heard it before – promises to cut down, stop but, it doesn’t work. Treatment, support, and new coping skills are needed to overcome addiction to alcohol and drugs.
- Support Recovery as an Ongoing ProcessOnce your friend or family member is receiving treatment, or going to meetings, remain involved. While maintaining your own commitment to getting help, continue to support their participation in continuing care, meetings and recovery support groups. Continue to show that you are concerned about their successful long-term recovery.
Some Things You Don’t Want To Do:
- Don’t Preach: Don’t lecture, threaten, bribe, preach or moralize.
- Don’t Be A Martyr: Avoid emotional appeals that may only increase feelings of guilt and the compulsion to drink or use other drugs.
- Don’t Cover Up, lie or make excuses for them and their behavior.
- Don’t Assume Their Responsibilities: Taking over their responsibilities protects them from the consequences of their behavior.
- Don’t Argue When Using: Arguing with the person when they are using alcohol or drugs, at that point they can’t have a rational conversation.
- Don’t Feel Guilty or responsible for their behavior, it’s not your fault.
- Don’t Join Them: Don’t try to keep up with them by drinking or using.
If a friend or loved one is in residential recovery with Pathway Society:
Your support of your loved one is important – to them and to us! After their initial orientation period, generally 14 days, pre-approved visits are encouraged. Regular visiting hours are on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 pm to 5 pm in our courtyard. We set a high standard of care in order to protect our clients’ confidentiality and fully support their recovery, and ask that friends and family join us in these important ways:
Please dress appropriately when visiting – avoid provocative and gang-related clothing.
Leave all electronics, phones, cameras, and purses or totes at home. If you are bringing a baby with you, please feel free to carry a diaper bag along and be aware that it may be searched.
It is important for our clients to focus on their health during their recovery process, so we ask that visitors bring only nourishing food and gifts that support their recovery and that have been discussed with their primary counselor in advance.
We understand that you miss your loved ones, however, we ask that contact of a sexual nature be avoided so that our clients can stay focused.
Please avoid bringing anything that might be harmful or distracting to our clients such as weapons, drugs or alcohol. And, please do not arrive for a visit under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, as this could be destructive to their recovery process. If you arrive for a visit under the influence you will be asked to come back another day.
All visitors must check in at the front desk and wear a badge at all times.
If you’re visiting someone at Pathway House, on weekends, permits are not required for parking on San Fernando and other surrounding streets, but please read all parking signs carefully when you park!
"...wanted to die, kill myself, because I didn't have my baby." As a mother whose child was taken form her in the past, Lisa can relate to women who may be in the same position and who are just beginning their journey to change their lives and become responsible parents once again.
